Thursday, May 22, 2008

NN/g Conference Notes #5: Give the user what they expect

Focus on the user – not the organization (don’t use jargon)

For example ‘current age’ is a common term for a retirement company – but it’s not common language for a user

World vision – the ‘gift catalog’ confuses users (they want to donate $, gifts seem like items to purchase)

Don’t use templates that create missing text

People don’t like to register – make the privacy policy clear and give them information first (don’t ask for registration before giving the user something)

People ignore the ads and internal promotion

User needs vary

PDF sucks (in all countries) and guidelines are the same in other countries

Don’t call things ‘tools’ – it sounds complicated, users shy away from ‘tools’

Consider the complexity of the underlying business rules, which may increase the complexity of the design and have an impact on usability

People REBEL – make faces, write a bad review, leave the website, and don’t look

Forced registration – turns people off

People will look at promotions that fit the style of the site and avoid the ads

Banner blindness is learned

Myth: People over 65 are slow and methodical. Some people over 65 are impatient if asked to wait they keep clicking

When using blurred or big images – think about the real estate on the page, what do you want the image to convey (If you are having trouble writing the alt-tag, re-think the purpose of the photo/image)

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